Family Welfare Program

            This program is intended to assist socially disadvantaged families to develop their capability in defining needs and formulating solutions to bring about desired social changes.


a.      Parent Effectiveness Services
b.      Planned Responsible Parenthood Services
c.      Family Enterprise Assistance/Livelihood Assistance
d.      Social Services for Solo Parents
e.      Marriage Counseling Services
f.       Practical Skills Development

Child and Youth Welfare Program

            This refers to services and activities designed for the care, protection, and rehabilitation of children and youth in different situations and ensure their social adjustment and total growth and development.


1.      Daycare Services
2.      Supplemental Feeding
3.      Peer Group Services
4.      Protective Services
5.      Self-Employment Assistance
6.      Child Placement Service
7.      Special Services for Delinquent Youth
8.      Special Services for Youth in Conflict with the Law
9.      After Care Service

Community Welfare Program

            This program is intended to assist socially disadvantaged communities in developing their capability in defining needs and formulating solutions as well as setting up viable community structure which bring about desired social change.


1.      Community mobilization services
2.      community volunteer Resource Development
3.      Social Welfare Structures Development

Women’s Welfare Program

            This program aims to promote the welfare of disadvantaged women giving special attention to the prevention, eradication of exploitation of women in any form, including prostitution, illegal recruitment, as well as promotion of skills for employment and self-actualization.


1.      Social Communication Skills Development
2.      Maternal and Child Care
3.      Livelihood
4.      Self-Enhancement
5.      Community Participation
6.      Counseling
7.      Substitute Homecare

Physically Disabled Persons and Elderlies Welfare Program

            This refers to the provision of services on disability prevention, rehabilitation, and equalization of opportunities for physically, mentally, and socially disabled persons in order to enhance their capability to attain a more meaningful, productive, and satisfying way of life and ultimately become self-reliant and contributing members of society.

The services are either community based on center-based.


1.      Disability Prevention
2.      Assistance for Physical restoration
3.      Survival Communication Skills Development
4.      Social and Self-Enhancement for Disable Persons
5.      Practical Skills Development
6.      Family Care for Disabled Persons
7.      Substitute Family Care
8.      After-care and Follow up Services

Emergency Assistance Program

            This program is intended to provide relief, restoration, and rehabilitation services to victims of natural calamities and social disorganization, as well as prepare people and the community to cope with disaster to prevent loss of lives and properties.


1.      Disaster Relief
2.      Assistance to Individual in Crisis Situation
3.      Emergency Shelter Assistance
4.      Core Shelter Assistance
5.      Food-for-work Services
6.      Disaster Preparedness Services